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Dopamine Pharmacology

The Effects of Dopamine:


A medium dose is 5-10 mcg/kg/min. When this is given, dopamine acts directly on beta1 receptors, causing increased myocardial contractility and increased heart rate.

Dopamine doses greater than 10 mcg/kg/min stimulate alpha receptors. This results in  vasoconstriction, which is an increased systemic vascular resistance.

Dopamine Indications for Use:

Dopamine can be very effective in treating hypotension with signs and symptoms of shock.

Dopamine is typically used as a second line drug for symptomatic bradycardia after atropine.

Dopamine Precautions & Contraindications:

Dopamine may cause tachyarrhythmias and excessive vasoconstriction. It should be used with caution in patients who are suffering from cardiogenic shock with associated symptoms of congestive heart failure.

Hypovolemia should be corrected with volume replacement before dopamine therapy is initiated.

Adult Dosage for Dopamine:

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